Senin, 29 Juni 2015

When I hardly have time for myself…

Well, actually I am NOT that busy. It is just… I don’t know. I feel like my freedom was taken away from myself. It has been a while since I last writing… anywhere! I know writing isn’t a spendy hobby, yet… how come it is so difficult to spend more time on writing for fun, for the sake of myself???

One day I looked at Nikki-chan, my diary on Reno-kun (my laptop), and became so sad for I haven’t talked about anything to her since… I don’t know when. And even I went back to her because I forgot the password of my gmail account but remembered writing about it there. #oops


And my latest blog post?

It’s about Kamatsu; an article I’d been writing for a whole month before I finally (and forcefully) posted it before I could REALLY complete composing it!

Oh, no!
I’ve just posted a new blog entry at my birthday last 21st of June.
But that doesn’t really make any different. What I did is just writing to commemorate my own birthday. That’s all. And that was a simple writing too!

You know,
Most of the time, human becomes a ‘difficult’ being.
When you don’t have a job, you grieve over being miserable, being worthless.
Then when you FINALLY got a job, you grieve over being too busy to get even a tiny piece of freedom for yourself!
(Pssttt! I’m talking about myself!)

I wonder what’s so wrong with me.

Did I really scarcely have time to write or it’s just because I am too lazy?

Several days ago I got sick I couldn’t go to work. Yeah at least that was what actually happened. 
Finally I could sleep more. I could get up late. I could simply… do nothing. 
Again. I felt like I was back to the NEET version of me. 
And then after two days passed and I got back to work, I realized something.
Time passes too quickly, but that’s not because I don’t have enough time for myself after being too ‘drained away’ at work.

I was wrong.

While taking rest, what I did is just… taking rest.
I mean…
I should’ve write something… or read something, but no!!
Two days passed and I got nothing but my health (which isn’t a bad thing, actually. I know that. But still!).

What can we do?
Does ‘working’ really restrict us from being productive?
Does ‘working’ really take us apart from our hobbies?

I don’t think so.

Kyo is busy but he’s also so productive.
Aw well! You think that Kyo can do that because he does the job he loves so much, right yun?
Let me tell you… that is NOT the problem!
Remember what Ma-kun (Tokyo Tower) said about ‘working’ when his friend Hajime Marusawa said that he’s so lucky to be able to do something he likes as his job?

“But when my hobby turns to be a job then it BECOMES a job”

It doesn’t matter if you like doing it. Once it turns to be a job for you SLOTH, then it becomes an IYAAAAADAAAAAAA!!!!! I DON’T WANT TO DO IT!!!!! LET ME TAKE A REST INSTEAD!!!!!!, right?

Let me tell you this:
Kyo can be so productive while he’s also so busy (and may be he still does his hobby too, whatever it is)… not only because he likes doing it, but also because HE AIN’T A SLOTH LIKE YOU!

Japanese people are born hard-workers, you say?
Okay. That may be true. Japanese people are thought to be fond of working hard and partying hard. 
How about you?
What are you fond of? 
You like to play hard without having to work hard first, huh?
Oh, please!

You’re not a princess!
You need money in order to get some pleasures, and that is why you’re working. Right?
Writing is just one thing.
One thing you can do without spending a penny!
It is a pleasure for you, not a burden!



“Jika kamu merasa ide itu susah muncul, jangan dipaksa. Terus aja menulis, perbanyak membaca, sering jalan-jalan, dan jatuh cinta setiap hari. Itu akan memenuhi gelas idemu. Dan ketika gelas ide itu penuh, maka ide itu akan tumpah dengan sendirinya.” – Agus Hernawan (poet & writer).

Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

[diary entry] Aria's New Year

Happy birthday, kepiting kembar!

Well, that’s kinda pathetic… congratulating ourselves like that. #LOL
Yuk ngebahas diri sendiri lagi yuk! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Apa yang kau pikirkan tentang hari ulang tahun?
Kue tart? Hadiah? Pesta?

Iya sih ya…
Kalau aku sih… aku juga menganggapnya sebagai awal yang baru. 
Rasanya seperti membalik lembar baru buku kehidupanmu. 
Rasanya seperti kita telah memasuki bab baru.

Awal dari Chapter 24 buku kehidupanku… 
Apa yang tertulis disana?


Kau tidak bisa mengetahui isi buku sebelum membacanya, ya kan?
Tapi, aku yakin kau hampir pasti bisa menceritakan seperti apa isi bab sebelumnya, bab yang telah selesai kau bacai. 

Chapter 23 buku kehidupanku…
Apa yang tertulis disana?

Ya gitu deh ya. Aku baru males napak tilas~ ((( ̄へ ̄井)


What does a trace back mean for a scrappy crabby like you, huh?

Biarkan saja pecahan memori itu tersebar berserakan di berbagai tempat. That is actually what ‘scrappy’ means… でしょう?

So… erm


Ulang tahun ya…
