Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Kaizen no Matsuri 11: Endless Fantasy in RPG World

Hi there, Festivals lovers!
It has been a while, doesn’t it?
This time I wanna talk about Kaizen no Matsuri (again).

Kamatsu 11 was actually held on April 26 ago. Yeah, as usual, I thought I’d just write and post something like:
Yay! It’s fresh from the oven!

But no.
Damn it!

Okay so…
This year’s Kamatsu was a やりすぎ one for me; it’s totally tiring! My toes hurt for days! やっぱ it’s not good to wear such footwear like that in going to such an event like this. And my neck hurt for days too. 。・゚・(*ノД`*)・゚・。

Well, forget about my sufferings; I’ve already been fine anyway, HAHA!

I actually cannot recall all activities and impressions which came to me during the event, but I’ll try to write nonetheless.

Here they are: