Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Kaizen no Matsuri 11: Endless Fantasy in RPG World

Hi there, Festivals lovers!
It has been a while, doesn’t it?
This time I wanna talk about Kaizen no Matsuri (again).

Kamatsu 11 was actually held on April 26 ago. Yeah, as usual, I thought I’d just write and post something like:
Yay! It’s fresh from the oven!

But no.
Damn it!

Okay so…
This year’s Kamatsu was a やりすぎ one for me; it’s totally tiring! My toes hurt for days! やっぱ it’s not good to wear such footwear like that in going to such an event like this. And my neck hurt for days too. 。・゚・(*ノД`*)・゚・。

Well, forget about my sufferings; I’ve already been fine anyway, HAHA!

I actually cannot recall all activities and impressions which came to me during the event, but I’ll try to write nonetheless.

Here they are:

-The Stars-

Kaizen Aikatsuki Project

It’s the chou-kawaii Tsukihane and chou-kirei na Atika again!!! I don’t know why they’re making another project with the same ‘front-persons’ like this. Anyway, I always love Atika’s beautiful voice ever since I heard the former X Chibi Metal’s gig. These cute little girls covered ONE OK ROCK’s C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h and AKB48’s Heavy Rotation both in their acoustic version. I like the former, but the later was a bit weird for my ears, perhaps because the original version is so upbeat and energetic. Not all songs can be re-arranged into the acoustic version, you know. That is my opinion. I may be wrong, but I just don’t care *tongue’s out*.

Learning from the previous experiences, I didn’t take any video this time, but here are some pictures of their performance:

Beautiful Mistake 69

Actually it is one of the two bands which were short-listed to perform on stage within the band competition. The other band is called ECCHI(?), but I didn’t watch their performance. Sorry >w<

I forget if they covered one or two songs, but I do remember that they covered Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul’s OST). I didn’t know the song but I quite enjoyed their performance. Not to mention that their guitarist is like a water dispenser: COOL and HOT! #LOL
One of their vocalists can scream well too, and I felt a bit familiar with that man. 
But… who? | ू・᷄ω・᷅)。oOஇo。
By the way, their drummer’s cool as well. But let me tell you something: I met many cool drummers at that time! Haha!

Special Amaterasu Yosakoi

If I’m not mistaken, this group is from Jogja… isn’t it? O_O
Anyway, their performance was so cool, and their yukata are too! I feel like I wanna join this group myself. *laughs*

Black Pearl Crusader

I actually (and personally) think that BPC was the best performer of the day. Fyi, I’m not talking about those two charming vocalists, but BPC as a whole. *laughs*
They covered 3 songs, which titles I don’t quite remember, but the first one was so damn cool!
How many times did I say ‘cool’ this time? “Oh yeah, whatever, never mind!” *laughs*
Anyway, it was so~~~~~~ dramatic! They did such a stunning opening act!
I felt familiar with that very first song, but I couldn’t recall the title now haha, sorry >w<

Note: I've just asked one of their vocalists *coughs*, and got information directly from him about the songs they played:
  1. Nocturnal Bloodlust's Sphere
  2. Unravel (Tokyo Ghoul's OST). Wew! I didn't realize that they actually did the cover of the same song as performed by BM69 before! (((( ;°Д°)))) Maybe it's because they played it in a different style(?) Ng... まあいいや!*shrugs*
  3. The Gazette's Silly God Disco, and
  4. Nocturnal Bloodlust's Trigger
Did I say that they played 3 songs? Okay, I mean four, sorry ._.)

Simply speaking, THEY ARE AWESOME?!
I mean... they're different!
I mean...
I don't really understand, but I feel it. *blushed*

Here are some pictures of them getting ready on stage:

I took many pictures of them during their performance, but was too lazy to edit them, so... I'll post them in my Facebook account later. *sorry*

And here're some pictures of me with the members after-show *laughs*
This is (bang) Henri: BPC's guitarist.

This is Dan Chun(nie): BPC's vocalist.

This is Auru-chan: BPC's vocalist.

This is Zimoutha Oki-kun: BPC's bassist.

Erm... well... I missed two members of it ._.)

Paper Doll

Technical problem happened when these girls were performing on stage: the microphone didn't work well. Poor you, dear microphone, to be beaten by that pretty vocalist. #LOL maybe it wasn't that bad, huh? >?<
So, these pretty girls covered two of Scandal’s songs: Shunkan Sentimental and Shoujo S (If I'm not mistaken *tongue's out*)
I am familiar with both songs and so I can say that it was a good cover. But still, I think Goose House did a much better cover of 少女 S. *tongue's out*
Okay, you don’t say, aria! How dare you to compare those two groups! ( `o´)_θ☆( >_<)

Do you feel intrigued to know who these beautiful ladies are? Meet them here:

The Agony

Ex was dying… 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。

Before they came on stage I was going back… I mean… I was going farther from the stage; taking more distance. Damn! But I could still enjoy their cool performance from where I stood, so, I guess I was just fine(?) :’)

Suddenly I remember the first time I really enjoy the performance of a band in a J-fest like this. It was in 2012’s Keiran’s matsuri.

~a sudden flashback~

If I'm not mistaken (again), they did the cover of The Gazette’s Cassis, I didn't remember clearly but… I think they also played it in Keiran’s Sekai no Uta, didn't they? Anyway, it was cool, as always. 

They played L’Arc~en~Ciel’s Ready Steady Go and it was here that I could FINALLY sing together with them.

They also covered Butterfly (Digimon’s OST). Herlan, The Agony’s vocalist, actually said that they didn't rehearse that song. But it turned out to be another cool cover. I wonder how they can be this amazing. He…he….

All Beats

I can’t really say that I watched their performance but I stood beside the stage and so I know that they’re cute. Haha! *tongue’s out*
They covered AKB48’s songs.
Sadly, I didn’t take any picture of them.

By the way, they’re from Jogja as well.


The band which performance I’d been anticipating since weeks before. They’re from Jakarta. Two of the members, Ren and Ryoga, are my Facebook friends so I was a bit surprised to learn that they’re actually gonna come having a gig here in Solo. I know the reason why though.

I was so surprised to learn that their vocalist’s stage name is Kyo (written in the exact same kanji as my beloved’s stage name). That’s why my ‘quest of the day’ was to take a picture with this very man.


Mission accomplished.

Talking about their performance…


I can only say that it was so…


I don’t know why, but I could be head-banging so hard during their performance, even though I didn't really know the songs. Okay. I DIDN'T KNOW THE SONGS except the Ready Steady Go AT ALL!!!

I can say that I was getting ‘dragged’ and ‘carried away’ by the enthusiasm of the gazerocks(?), and that explained everything, actually.

I didn't quite remember, but I think my impression was that I could scarcely listen to Kyo’s voice. I don’t know. It sounds like his voice was being swallowed by such an invisible force or something like that. He moved around a lot and interacted with the spectators well, but still… actually I want to REALLY listen to his voice. I wonder how it’ll turn out if they do an acoustic performance instead.

Okay, forget it. #eh
Let’s go back for awhile. 
Talking about the stage name of the vocalist, I thought I’d be enjoying at least one of Diru’s songs.

But no.

They covered some of The Gazette’s songs and also that L’Arc~en~Ciel’s Ready Steady Go, other than their own song. I feel a bit disappointed by that fact though, but I am used to it, so don’t worry about me… I’m okay… really…

*cries in vain*


Really funny! 
Ha… ha… ha!

Okay, well.
I mean it.

They WERE really funny… and amusing, if both words do actually have different meanings.
Sadly I couldn't take any picture or video of them.

There’s actually one more ‘constellation’ of stars, and maybe the REAL best one: Ren-AI, but I (my imouto, actually) was too tired to keep staying there. So, that’s it! That’s all I can say about the stars.

-The Observer-

Who was I?

Now I feel like I wasn’t me myself during this year’s Kamatsu. Do you know why? It was the first time I didn’t watch the cosplay competition at all. Most of the time I spent there, I was standing before that stage which was actually much bigger than the previous ones, walking around the muddy ‘field’, and taking a rest upstairs.

Where was I?

To be honest, I was upstairs when the cosplay competition was conducted. Too tired to go down again, we decided to just miss it, which I then quite regretted as there’re many cool cosplayers down there when we’re all alone upstairs. It washed out my rare opportunity to take pictures with cosplayers. 。・+゚゚(うд´。)゚゚+・。

Just in case you wonder who actually the word ‘we’ refers to, most of the time I was with my imou-chan and my partner in gaje-ing: K – the pink addict.

Whom I met?

I slightly remember writing about companions in my older post about last year’s Kamatsu. I’ve known quite some people during last year’s matsuri, you see. This year I’ve known more people, yet I didn’t meet some of them. I missed to catch a glimpse of  Rizuka there; just realized that she actually came to the event from the posts she and her friends’ published on Facebook. I didn’t even take any picture with my partner in crimes this time, even though I did meet them. ( ー̀εー́ )

That’s all!
Finally I can come into the finishing line. *laughs*

It was an amazing event, even though I didn’t quite enjoyed all that they’re offering at that time. All quests could be done and completed without any failure anyway. So, I guess I didn’t really regret to walk away from that RPG world. 

Oh! And!!!

I was flattered by the way they ‘say’ goodbye to their attendances. The maids (and the committee) so politely greeted us as we walked through the ‘entrance/exit gate’. 
It rained so hard but it was so fun!

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