Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

「卒業おめでとう!!!」- Make up... Dress up... Let's GO!!!

もしもし、The Scrappy Crabbyをご覧の皆さん、ariyaです!
Today, my imouto graduated from her vocational high school.. Her school is a bit different with the other vocational schools since it focuses mostly on music and performing arts: karawitan (Javanese traditional music), tari (dance), pedhalangan, and seni musik (music department). It's a bit difficult for me describing or translating pedhalangan department, so I just google translate it..
Pedalangan = puppetry, wayang kulit = shadow play..
Actually I wanna talk about this event now, yet, I'm so tired... (and lazy, LOL) to continue writing..
I'll write again tomorrow..
That's all for today.. ariyaでした。

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